Saturday 25 February 2012

Cute Action Doll Bride and Groom Wedding

Once upon a time, action doll "Almond" and Prince married and live happily ever after

Walked down the bed of roses...nope sunflower wedding aisle happily

Mummy bought the prince from Hong Kong trip. The prince is actually from the Snow White doll set. As mentioned earlier i ruined my Snow White hair by harsh combing so i had Almond dressed up in Snow White's wedding gown modeling as Bride and Groom with Snow White's prince =/ wedding gone wrong  (0_o)..??

Almond modeling with Raisin's teddy on a bed of sun flowers. The Sun Flowers are hand embroidery bought in Vietnam at a very cheap bargain. It's a tablecloth but my mummy used it to cover my piano.

Happily Ever After.....


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