Friday 25 January 2013

Red Bell Pepper Seed Germination

Red bell pepper seeds.
Method : Self watering pot with soil as the medium

The pot preparation is similar to previous post on miniature pumpkin seed germination.:

Using cotton for water absorption and planting the seeds on 3.5 inch depth of soil inside a dark container. Avoid putting soil on transparent container to prevent too much heat on soil. Finally fill your pot with water every 3 or 4 days do not let the water at the bottom of the pot to dry out. No daily watering required. I always filled my tiny flower pot with 1½ inch of water before going on a week vacation.

The picture above shows red bell pepper seeds with their furry radicles protruding into some soil...

The red bell pepper seeds sprouted within 8 days. Confused by the furry root tip on bell pepper seeds as fungus, almost ended up pulling off the mold looking fur off a plant until my dad told me the furry radicle is part of a normal red bell pepper seed germination... =p. Glad that i didn't scrape them off the radicles......

My bell peppers took months to produce fruits..(>o<)/  because i planted them in a small container with all the 9 trees cramped in one tiny flower pot. In order to let my plants survive in cramped condition i apply hydroponic liquid fertilizer in the water every week.Therefore, the red bell pepper trees do not require nutrients from soil to grow and survive. Will replant them to other pots after they sprout.

 The pro of doing this is i get mini red bell pepper fruits (^-^) The fruit size below 2 inch height:

 The green fruit is unripe, the green pepper will be red when it ripen.

 This is a full bloom red bell pepper flower ^o^

The mini version of bell peppers fits well with the 27cm doll. Looks like mini toy peppers.

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